Saturday, January 14, 2006

It must have been something I ate

I dreamt the other night that I was preparing for armageddon. Three times in my life now I’ve had dreams in which I knew with absolute certainty that the end of the world was coming. The dreams consistently involved such unpleasant preparations as saying goodbye to loved ones, searching for suitable shelter, coming to terms with mortality, etc.

In this particular dream a nameless European nation had decided that it was fed up with American foreign policy and so had launched the ultimate weapon against the U.S. The next morning I awoke with great relief, and with a new expression in my linguistic arsenal, for in my dream the media had referred to the oncoming missile as The Golden Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Could I be watching too many cheesy spy movies, or eating too much stinky cheese before bed? Either way, I’ve now given up dairy.


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